The logo is based on a silhouette of a rocket flying upwards. The letter A symbolizes a rocket or an arrow.
The logotype may be supplemented by a slogan. It always starts with “fuelled by” and ends with a catchword approved by communication strategy.
The symbol of fire may be substituted for one of the official symbols.
The Applifting logo is represented by a capital A and fire, which together create the shape of a rocket.
Basic elements are used for an official presentation of the company. The object should always have a teardrop shape and, combined with the letter A, it should resemble the shape of a flying rocket.
The safety zone of the logotype is based on the size of the letter A.
Same as with the logotype, the logo safety zone is based on the size of the letter A.
Usage without the symbol
Usage of a color not defined in the brand guide
Violation of safety zone
Usage on a low-contrast background
Coloring the logotype with a color from the manual
Coloring the background with a color from the manual
Usage on a photo with a high-contrast background
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
Pantone: NA
RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 80/74/58/75
Pantone: Black 6 C
RGB: 20/20/31
HEX: #14141f
Grey 1
CMYK: 24/19/20/2
Pantone: Cool Gray 3 C
RGB: 200/198/197
HEX: #c8c6c5
Grey 2
CMYK: 16/12/13/0
Pantone: Cool Gray 2 C
RGB: 221/220/219
HEX: #dddcdb
Grey 3
CMYK: 7/5/6/0
Pantone: Cool Gray 1 C
RGB: 240/240/240
HEX: #f0f0f0
CMYK: 56/0/7/0
Pantone: 637 U
RGB: 94/202/231
HEX: #5ecae7
CMYK: 57/0/69/0
Pantone: 359 C
RGB: 115/195/124
HEX: #73c37c
CMYK: 7/5/6/0
Pantone: 7548 U
RGB: 250/198/31
HEX: #fac61f
Ginto Regular
0123456789#+-@&=%/>’()”:, ̈!?
Ginto is a supplementary corporate font. The Ginto Nord Black style is used for headlines and Ginto Regular for paragraphs.
We build a world in which our activity has a significant positive impact in local context:
on our people, on our customers, on our end users.
Ginto Nord Black, line height: 130%
Text 1 - This style of font is used for paragraphs and bigger chunks of text. For good readability, it is necessary to apply correct line height.
Text 2 - This is a less important body copy text designated to be used for notes, footers and other shorter texts.
Ginto Regular, line height: 160%
There are 5 typography styles defined. The contrast between individual styles and overall hierarchy are important.
0123456789#+-@&=%/>’()”:, ̈!?
A supplementary set of fonts for web purposes (mainly for Google Slides and Google Docs)
We build a world in which our activity has a
significant positive impact in local context:
on our people, on our customers, on our end users.
Professionally illuminated photos are used for presentational purposes. The figure is always in a white T-shirt on a gently greyish background. In case of a single person presentation, it is possible to use the logo with a custom symbol, one that fits the personality of the presented individual.
For other purposes, it is recommended to use photos with a slightly blurred background/ foreground.
The Instagram filter Claredon will provide unification of all photos. The photographs should be taken in good light by a professional photographer. It is neccessary to avoid photoshop editing.
Helping others is a commitment we made long ago. Adding it to the Applifting Codex therefore seemed only logical.
Expedition 2020 has taken off! Which way should we be heading on social networks this year? Frontend, backend...
UK expansion, a greater degree of freedom or an own incubator. A year full of novelties is ahead of us! Today we will show you exactly what that means for Applifting...
The main connective element of all pictures with an illustration is a modified logo placed in the center.
The logo is supplemented by an appropriately choosen “propulsion” (fire) corresponding to the accompanying text.
The overall style of the picture should be defined by the style of fire.
There is no single illustration style defined. It is recommended to change illustration styles in accordance with the fire style.
The overall tone of voice is casual and relaxed. We prefer informal speech but without unnecessary slang words such as “y'all” or “diss” etc.
Jokes, memes etc. should only be used in temporary channels of social networks such as Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories or Snapchat.
Emojis may be used in social media posts; rather than a reaction to own post, though, they should present a part of the content.
Several types of posts are defined for social networks. News and posts use citations or illustrations.
To present a new Applifter, we use a picture of them in a white T-shirt on a greyish background with a corresponding “A” symbol.